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Apprentice auctioneer is any individual who, for compensation or valuable consideration, or otherwise, is employed, directly or indirectly, by an auctioneer to deal or engage in any auction activity.

Auctioneer is any individual who, for a fee, commission or any other valuable consideration, or with the intention or expectation of receiving a fee, commission or any other valuable consideration, by the means or process of auction or sale at auction, offers, negotiates or attempts to negotiate a listing contract, sale, purchase or exchange of goods.

A license is required by the state of Tennessee prior to performing services as an auctioneer. Pursuant to Tennessee code, it is unlawful for any person to act as, advertise or represent to be an auctioneer or apprentice auctioneer without holding a valid license issued by the commission or to conduct or offer to conduct an auction of real property unless the person is duly licensed as an auctioneer or apprentice auctioneer and as a broker or affiliate broker under the provisions of the Tennessee Real Estate Broker License Act of 1973.


Apprentice Requirements:

  1. Complete 80-hour approved auction education program and obtain education certificate
  2. Complete and submit application to testing company (PSI) for the apprentice examination
  3. After receiving notice that you have successfully completed the apprentice exam, remit the appropriate fees to the Tennessee Auctioneer Commission. Applicant may begin the apprenticeship upon receipt of the license.

Auctioneer Requirements:

  1. Applicant must be at least twenty-one
  2. Complete an apprenticeship of at least two (2) years under the supervision of a licensed auctioneer.
  3. Complete a 30-hour approved education program.
  4. Complete and submit application to testing company (PSI) for auctioneer examination.
  5. Complete and submit apprentice log.
  6. Copy of high school or GED certificate.


Application fee: $50
Apprentice License fee: $125
Auctioneer License fee: $175
Recovery fund fee: $50
Renewal fee: $225
Late fee: $50
Duplicate/Replacement License Fee: $35

Additional Information

During the two (2) year apprenticeship period, an apprentice shall obtain a minimum of 1,000 points in order to be eligible for an auctioneer license. This is the substantial equivalent of working five (5) auctions from beginning to end.

Each auctioneer must be affiliated with a licensed Tennessee auction firm.

Reciprocity application information can be found here. Tennessee reciprocates with the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Continuing Education:

Continuing education is required for licensure renewal. A minimum of 6 hours every two years. TREES offers a variety of Tennessee Auctioneer Commission approved CE Online courses.