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Tennessee's Oldest and Largest Real Estate, Appraisal, and Home Inspection School

2 - Hrs. The CIC Paper Chase Online Video Course v1.0 - REcampus

Instructor: TBD, Instructor
Schedule: Online
Location: REcampus
Start Date: On Demand
End Date: On Demand
Price: $27.00

Course Description

Gain the knowledge you need to represent clients skillfully in common interest community (CIC) transactions!

Learn about the required documents you need to secure for your buyer’s time-sensitive review. Many potential real estate buyers are intrigued about owning a property with shared amenities and services they would not be able to afford on their own, but they should be knowledgeable about the fees and limitations associated with these properties. You’ll also learn what to spot in those documents to help your clients determine whether the properties they are considering are sound investments.

Key Benefits:

Understand your role and the value you bring to your clients by identifying the key documents to review
Spot red flags to help your clients avoid potential bad investments
Help your clients determine the financial health of the real estate
Learn how to uncover hidden costs, so your clients aren’t caught off guard