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TREES Offers Prelicense and CNA Courses by Classroom, Online, Home Study and Zoom Virtual Formats as Well as Online and Home Study CE Courses as Low as $87 for 16 CE Hours.

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60 hr. Prelicense I &II Remote "ZOOM" App - ZOOM

Instructor: Bruce, Lynn
Schedule: Weekdays 8:30-2:00
Location: ZOOM
Start Date: 6/16/2025
End Date: 6/27/2025
Price: $387.00

Course Description

This course is a remote instruction course using the Zoom app, so you take the course in the comfort of your home using your computer or tablet but with a live TREES instructor teaching the class!

If you are NOT familiar with Zoom and how to use it, first you must go to the website using your internet web browser. In the upper right corner area of the Zoom screen, click “JOIN”. You will be prompted to download the FREE Zoom app to the device that you will be using to take the course. Again, if you are NOT familiar with Zoom, you need to work with Zoom BEFORE the first day of class! There are several free "how to" videos available at the website and You for your convenience and instruction.

You will be emailed more detailed instructions before class starts including a Zoom Meeting ID# and a Password required to join the class.

Class Description

This course is a remote instruction course using the Zoom app, so you take the course in the comfort of your home using your computer or tablet but with a live TREES instructor teaching the class!

2 - Weeks - Monday - Friday (Zoom)

Date: Pre I - June 16 - 20, 2025
Date: Pre II - June 23 - 27, 2025

Time: 8:30 am - 2:00 pm

Check In: 8:00 am (Central Time)

Please have pencil or pen, highlighter, and basic calculator.