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Tennessee's Oldest and Largest Real Estate, Appraisal, and Home Inspection School

Matthew Ody

Matthew offers his services as a dedicated, decisive and detail orientated real estate broker and educator. This success is achieved through developing trusting relationships based on integrity, professional character, and industry expertise.


Matthew’s dynamic research approach helps his clients become the savviest, most informed buyers and sellers in the market to safely navigate the pull and push of supply and demand, in good and bad markets, for a predictable and successful outcome.


Matthew has carried this approach over to real estate instructing, coaching, and tutoring, because he wants to help people get better outcomes in life, performance, and business through their involvement in the real estate business.


From pre-license education helping new agents to pass the real estate license exam, through to tutoring and coaching as an active real estate agent, this includes focusing on generating new business opportunities, managing the current business relationships in a more effective manner, and understanding first-hand the benefits of continuing to learn more about managing, selling and growing a real estate business and surrounding yourself with other success-minded agents.