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TREES Offers Prelicense and CNA Courses by Classroom, Online, Home Study and Zoom Virtual Formats as Well as Online and Home Study CE Courses as Low as $87 for 16 CE Hours.

$59 Value Now FREE!........Now TREES Prelicense and Office Mgt. Students Can Stream the FREE TREES Audio Real Estate Glossary of Over 650 Real Estate Definitions.

Call us today 800-572-8733
Live Customer Service, No Phone Menu (M-F)

Tennessee's Oldest and Largest Real Estate, Appraisal, and Home Inspection School

Create Account

To register online for a TREES real estate course, you must create an account in order to register you in your selected course and track your progress to satisfy Tennessee Real Estate Commission educational requirements.  Also, by creating an account, you can easily verify the TREES course credit hours you have completed.

In completing the registration form, please use your legal first name and legal middle name, no nicknames please.

If you do not have any email address, you can register for courses by calling toll free 1-800-572-8733.

All Prelicense, Course for New Affiliates and Other Non-CE Students, Please Leave this Registration Item Blank and Continue Registering.

ALL Licensed CE Students Must Provide Their License Number to Receive CE credit! If You Don’t Know Your License Number, You Can Find It by Clicking here.
Enter Real Estate License #
Enter Appraisal License #
Enter Auctioneer License #
Enter Home Inspection License #
Enter VLS License #

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